Monday, May 12, 2008

Growling IS aggression

I have heard that it is ok for your dog to growl at people, including you and/or your kids because they have no other way of "communicating".
So let me ask a question, is growling a sign of aggression? So is it ok for your dog to show aggression to ANYONE in your family?

You also do not want to pick a corner for the dog to go lay in that is "her" corner where no one else can go and she can growl at anyone that does. What you are teaching your dog is he/she can pick a spot in YOUR house and be teritorrial over it.

If your dog is uncomfortable with something someone in your family is doing he/she needs to walk away from the situation.

We also need to put great responsibility in ourselves to teach our kids how to treat and respect all animals.

You and your family should be able to do ANYTHING you want with/to your dog that is humane of course, without EVER having any aggression shown back to you.

Dogs are pack animals they are not “allowed” in the pack, to show any disrespect and aggression to the “dominant” dog in its life (which is YOU).

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